Reflecting on the closing of

On Tuesday, November 14, 2023, the last posts of the legendary, embodied by its forums, will fade away, marking the official closure of the cherished site a reality.

Conceived by Jason Moore through the harmonious merging of two He-Man websites crafted by Adam Tyner and Matt Ratzloff, “the Org,” as we lovingly referred to it, bloomed into a vibrant community. A community woven together by the shared passion and enthusiasm of fans devoted to Masters of the Universe and Princess of Power.

The stewardship of the site was entrusted to Val Staples, an unwavering champion of the fandom. Val, along with the substantial contributions of Emiliano Santalucia, James Eatock, and Zadoc Angell, sustained the website’s existence over the years.

Within the digital tapestry of the forums, a potent online community thrived, transcending the boundaries of the internet. Val’s “power parties” at San Diego Comic Con became a nexus for fans to meet face-to-face, and the birth of the original Power-Con, a convention dedicated solely to celebrating He-Man, She-Ra, and their fervent followers, stands as a testament to the site’s profound impact.

Behind the scenes, a devoted cadre of moderators and administrators, including Masters Cast’s own Jon “TheShadow,” cultivated a fertile ground where friendships flourished through threads and posts. It was within this virtual realm that Masters Cast found its inception, a podcast that owes its roots to the supportive embrace of

In the autumn of 2005, the user Tallstar discovered our podcast even before its official launch and we soon became a popular listen for the fandom.

PDF Download part of our original Thread! #Nostalgia

The ensuing years saw not only supporting our podcast but birthing its own creation, the esteemed Roast Gooble Dinner. Our joint, late-night sessions as “Roasted Masters” at various Power-Con conventions symbolized the enduring camaraderie of He-Fans and She-Ravers.

Our gratitude extends not only to Val Staples but also to the immense support and its community showered upon us since our humble launch in 2005. As the site gracefully bows out, we choose not to bid farewell but to whisper “good journey.”

With heartfelt warmth,

Jon, Katy, Josh, Martin, and Leanne.

Good journey to our community.

Roast Gooble Dinner party at Power-Con with Jon, James, Daniel, the Dean Stefan, and Leanne.